4-generation autogas installations nowadays are the most commonly used types of LPG supply systems. 4th generation installations can be slightly more expensive than 2nd and 3rd generation ones, however it is worth investing in components from reputable and valued manufacturers. Expensive components will quickly turn into a good time in a friendly and most importantly trouble-free operation of the engine.


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installation that will fit into your needs

Sequential system

The most important distinguishing feature of 4-generation autogas installations (sequential installations) from 3rd generation LPG installations is of course the use of as many gas injectors as the cylinders of a given engine. Gas injectors are mounted directly in the intake manifold. The injector opening torque and operating time identical to the gasoline supply are determined separately for each cylinder. In 4-generation installations, there is no need to use emulators because the engine computer is responsible for precise gas dosing through a dedicated LPG installation unit. The entire dosing process is responsible for a separate gas injector strip that also has special pressure sensors and gas temperature sensors.

It is even more accurate thanks to precise control, both the increase in gas burning and the deterioration of car performance are almost imperceptible.

Professional assembly

For 4th generation gas generators to function properly, not only professional assembly but also proper adjustment of the entire installation is required. The injection system for trouble-free operation needs the highest purity fuel, and therefore, special-purpose gas filters are used in 4th generation systems. This is why it is always recommended to use authorised conversion centres.

Who is the sequential system for?

Today’s sequential systems are recommended for most modern gasoline engines that feature multi-point fuel injection, catalytic converter and several lambda probes. Four-generation autogas systems are very safe for the engine and most importantly, they completely eliminate the risk of flame retraction. It is also worth mentioning that installations of this generation are not only safer than their precursor, but most importantly they are more economical, so many drivers decide to install them. Sequential injection is very common in cars that are equipped with on-board diagnostic (EOBD or OBDII).