DIGITRONIC MP48OBD electronics set


Waterproof, shock-resistant, waterproof ECU. Very easy to assembly, 3 in 1 sensor: the gas pressure, gas temperature, MAP sensor. With the new advanced software is able to work in the cars compliant with the Euro 3 standards and higher. It has the ability of the mixture correction according to the signals from the OBD and to reset function errors.

Designed for all types of vehicles including turbo.

To connect this ECU the DIGITRONIC USB interface with the following code 203952000 is required.
Complete control electronic unit of the fourth generation, supporting OBD, designed for the vehicles with up to 4-cylinder engine.



  • Stikalo z zvočnim signalom in indikatorjem nivoja plina.
  • PT-MAP senzor.
  • Napeljava z vodotesnimi priključki.
  • Vodotesno ohišje varovalke

12 months warranty or 20 000km.

The warranty applies only when the installation of the product was made in the certified by the DIGITRONIC conversion center.

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installation that will fit into your needs